
3 Takeaways from Amazon and Google: Preservation Challenges in Antitrust Cases in the Age of Ephemeral Messaging
3 Takeaways from Amazon and Google: Preservation Challenges in Antitrust Cases in the Age of Ephemeral Messaging

In the fast-paced world of digital communication, the legal landscape is constantly evolving. Recent cases involving tech giants Google and Amazon have brought to light critical issues surrounding data spoliation and preserving electronic evidence in antitrust matters.

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Unraveling the Money Trail: The Vital Role of Linguistics in Anti-Bribery Investigations

Linguistics plays a crucial role in investigations under the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, a regulation focused on combating bribery and corruption in international business transactions. These investigations typically involve two components: scrutinizing the financial dealings of companies…

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Key Insights from the Corporate Counsel Summit 2024

The 2024 Corporate Counsel Summit, hosted by Lawyers Weekly on May 2, brought together 350+ professionals from the Australian in-house legal community for a day of learning and networking. TransPerfect Legal’s Tom Balmer (Director, APAC) and Kapilan Rasiah (Director in Melbourne) were there to…

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Leveraging Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence to Streamline Compliance Investigations

In the ever-evolving business operations landscape, the early identification and containment of compliance risks has become a paramount concern for organizations worldwide.

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Study Period: What to Do When the Canadian Competition Bureau Starts a Market Study of Your Industry
Study Period: What to Do When the Canadian Competition Bureau Starts a Market Study of Your Industry

Recent (and ongoing) amendments to the Competition Act have resulted in several new powers for the Competition Bureau, which may have significant and far-reaching implications for businesses in Canada.

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GDPR Compliance: At the Intersection of AI and Life Sciences

Late last month, the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) hosted a panel on artificial intelligence and how it is rapidly transforming the life sciences sector, allowing companies to leverage large datasets to accelerate drug discovery, optimize clinical trials, streamline supply chains, and more…

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Trade Secret Protection in Life Sciences: Strategies for Success

Late last month, the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) hosted a panel on Trade Secret Protection in Life Sciences: Strategies for Success. In today's rapidly evolving business environment, trade secrets are becoming increasingly valuable assets for companies across nearly every sector and…

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Three Strategies to Prevent Departing Employees from Absconding with Trade Secrets and Other Confidential Business Information
Three Strategies to Prevent Departing Employees from Absconding with Trade Secrets and Other Confidential Business Information

One of the biggest threats to modern corporations involves departing employees who take confidential business information (CBI) and/or trade secrets with them prior to or upon their departure.

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Three Takeaways from the Mexico Summit on Anti-Corruption & Compliance

Earlier this month at the ACI Mexico Summit on Anti-Corruption & Compliance, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and compliance lawyers from across Latin America gathered in Mexico City for two days of thought leadership and networking.

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Navigating the Comings and Goings of Riyadh's Construction Boom Part 1

In the heart of the Arabian Peninsula, Riyadh stands as a testament to the ambition and dynamism of Saudi Arabia. The landscape of this bustling metropolis is constantly evolving, with skyscrapers piercing the sky and futuristic developments transforming the city into a modern, otherworldly marvel.

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eDiscovery Trends in 2024

TransPerfect Legal experts from across the globe sat down earlier this month to discuss the trends that will affect the eDiscovery industry (and all those who use the technology) in 2024.

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An Expert Look at the 2023 Merger Guidelines
An Expert Look at the 2023 Merger Guidelines

Last month, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued the 2023 Merger Guidelines, a draft of which was published in July. During TransPerfect Legal’s Antitrust Clearance & Merger Enforcement conference held early this fall, a panel of esteemed…

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